

Extract the DLLs then use ILSpy:

Step 1:

  • Mac) Install Visual Studio for Mac (http://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/mac/). It has MonoDevelop, all .NET tools, a full IDE, etc...

  • Windows) Install Visual Studio or any other way to get the "dotnet" command line tool.

  • Linux) Get the "dotnet" command line tool.

Step 2:

Go to a Terminal prompt and type dotnet tool install ilspycmd -g to install the official ilspy command line version.

Global tools are installed in the following directories by default when you specify the -g or --global option:







Step 3:

Read usage instructions here: https://github.com/icsharpcode/ILSpy/tree/master/ICSharpCode.Decompiler.Console. It is very simple. Most of the time you just run it with ilspycmd -p -o <folder> <dll file> to decompile to an output folder and make a buildable project file (that is what -p does).

Source: https://github.com/aerror2/ILSpy-For-MacOSX/issues/6

Last updated